It is estimated that 16% of the Irish population over the age of 40 years may be affected by OAB.
Overactive Bladder Syndrome (OAB) is defined as urinary urgency, usually with urinary frequency and nocturia (waking at night to void bladder). It can present with or without urgency urinary incontinence (not getting to the toilet in time). OAB occurs when the wall of the bladder goes into involuntary, sudden, uncontrolled spasms. This can happen even when there is low volume of urine in the bladder. With OAB the bladder works overtime contracting more often than it should and at inappropriate times. This involuntary contraction creates the urgent need to urinate. In effect causing you to have much less control over when you pass urine.
It is not an unusual condition and sufferers are not alone. It is estimated that 16% of the Irish population over the age of 40 years may be affected by OAB. This is approximately 350,000 Irish people both men and women and has a significant impact of their quality of life.
OAB can co-exist with other common conditions